using niacin with pytorch loaders

In PyTorch, a common practice is to interact with datasets via a high level Dataset class. This makes it easy to, for example, apply augmentations to image data on the fly, by passing a list of transformations to the dataset intializer:

dataset = Dataset(root='./data', transform=[Resize((64, 64)), ToTensor()])

Unfortunately, the text datasets in torchtext do not accept transformations in their init signatures; and, because they return vectorized text vectorize text, it’s also not possible to include augmentation after reading in the data [1].

Available dataset classes

To facilitate the augmentation of text data in PyTorch pipelines, niacin includes a PyTorch compatibility module which provides three dataset classes capable of including text augmenting transformations. These are:

  • niacin.text.compat.MemoryTextDataset: if the text data is already in memory but not on disk
  • niacin.text.compat.FileTextDataset: if the text data are in a single file
  • niacin.text.compat.DirectoryTextDataset: if the text data are in multiple files

For more information about each dataset type, see the API documentation.


Now let’s imagine that we have some simple data that we would like to use to train a sentiment classification model:

text = [
    "Oh my god! How could I not see this coming? My greed! I deserve this!",
    "Holy cats! Let's get outta here. I haven't learned a thing!"
labels = [0, 1]

To use our functional transformations in this pipeline, we’ll start by using functools.partial to freeze the probability value for a couple of transforms:

from functools import partial
from niacin.text.en import add_whitespace, remove_whitespace

transforms = [partial(add_whitespace, p=0.1), partial(remove_whitespace, p=0.1)]

Then, we can intialize a DataLoader class from PyTorch, then iterate over the data in our training loop like so:

from niacin.text.compat.pytorch import MemoryTextDataset
from import DataLoader

dataset = MemoryTextDataset(data=text, labels=labels, transforms=transforms)
loader = DataLoader(dataset)

for epoch in range(3):
    for data, labels in loader:
        print(labels, data)
tensor([0]) tensor([[12, 24, 19,  2,  0,  3, 25, 28,  5, 15,  7, 11,  0,  0,  0,  0,  2,  3,
        0,  0, 29,  0,  2]])
tensor([1]) tensor([[ 8, 14,  2, 10,  4, 27, 18, 26,  0,  0,  6,  3,  0,  0,  4, 29,  0,  0,
        13,  0,  0,  2]])
tensor([0]) tensor([[12, 24, 19,  2,  0,  3, 25, 28, 29,  0, 15,  7,  0,  2,  3, 17,  5,  2]])
tensor([1]) tensor([[ 8, 14,  2, 10,  4, 27,  0,  0,  0,  0,  6,  0,  0,  4, 29,  0,  0,  0,
        13, 30,  2]])
tensor([0]) tensor([[12, 24, 19,  2,  9, 16,  3, 25, 28, 29,  0, 27, 15,  7,  0,  0, 20,  2,
        0,  5,  2]])
tensor([1]) tensor([[ 8, 14,  2, 10,  4,  0,  0, 22,  6,  3, 21,  4, 29,  0, 30,  2]])